We are grateful to report that we are safely here in Perth, Western Australia. Thank you so much for your faithful prayers for us as we traveled a considerable distance. We are recovering from jet lag, unpacking and organizing, and generally getting settled in our new temporary housing situation here in Perth.
Our first impressions of Australia and Australians are very positive. We were able to spend a day and a half in Sydney between flights. We regret being too tired to ring in the New Year in Sydney. Jet lag got the better of us and we collapsed before the big fireworks were set off from Sydney Harbour Bridge. We slept soundly through the whole event. The next day we were able to visit the local zoo, so we'll hopefully get a chance to share those photos sometime.
Our official YWAM training program officially begins tomorrow night and we are looking forward to getting started. We'll report on that when we get a chance.
Our access to the Internet is very poor right now.
Thanks again for your faithfulness, prayers and encouragements!
(This photo was taken in TF Green Airport just before we took off!)
G'day, mates,
Glad to hear you've arrived safely in Oz.
love yas,
Praying for you all continually, for all that's going on for you now :-)
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