Yikes! We are running around here like headless chickens packing up and preparing to leave this Sunday for Cape Cod and then next Saturday for Australia! We are scrambling to fulfill all of our last minute obligations before enjoying some time with family on Cape Cod over Christmas. Then on the 27th we start our journey toward Perth!
We are so encouraged by our many dear friends and family members making commitments to be our financial supporters while we are in the field. I don't have adequate words to express our gratitude, except to say it is the deepest kind of gratitude. Our hope is that God uses all of us in this partnership to make a substantial difference on the frontiers of the mission field.
We can't wait to share our exciting updates with all of you and we hope you will do the same. And we are so happy to be staying in touch with you while we are away! It's really our intention to stay in touch to be able to lift each other up in prayer.
Staying in touch is important. If you haven't already done so, I urge you to subscribe to our blog. It's easy and the benefit to you is that our new blog entries will be emailed directly to you rather than you having to visit the blog to get the latest news. Just visit the box below our photo and enter your email address in the box below our photo. Done!
There is quite a delay from when donations come in to when we actually receive a list confirming your gift from Ripe for Harvest, so please forgive us if you have given recently and not been thanked. We'll thank you now in advance and again when we rejoice over our contribution report.
However, if you are wondering how to get started in supporting us, it's really easy. You have two options.
1.) Visit Ripeforharvest.org and obtain an electronic contribution form. Just fill it out and send it in to the address on the bottom of the sheet.
Or if you prefer
2.) You may send a check into our sending agency using the instructions at the top of our blog here. Then you will be issued a receipt from Ripe for Harvest with a tear-off piece for submitting another gift. If you do not get a receipt due to their bulk mail system, please contact shemayne at comcast dot net at Ripe for Harvest and she will send you one directly via 1st class mail instead.
(We are not dropping hints here, we know some of you have only committed to pray for us at this time.)
Lastly, if you are able to make it, our commissioning service is this Sunday at both 8:30 and 11 am at First Congregational Church of Hamilton followed by a reception in the café at Heritage Hall around 12:30 or so. We'd love to see you once more before we head out.
Thanks again! We are excited to have you all on our team of missions-minded brothers and sisters in the Lord. You'll be hearing from us again after we've arrived in Perth, Western Australia.
Merry Christmas! He is Risen! The greatest gift we can give our Lord this advent may be to spend some time with Him!
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