I am not kidding. If there were no other signs that we are on the right track preparing for the mission field, the fact that we have been under attack since moving would be enough. It hasn't been unbearable - just constant. Here's a sampling:
A major check we were waiting for since the end of December - lost in the mail TWICE and finally had to be hand delivered - in February.
All three kids have been sick or fighting something since we moved in.
Speaking of fighting - there's been a lot of it. Conflict all over the place. Its not pretty.
And just yesterday: Steve's data base of addresses that he has been working on for years that we are about to utilize for our support materials - LOST. (I don't want to exaggerate - he was able to find an old archive and recover a percentage of it - but still... come on.) Not to mention that we wanted to start sending out materials in January and still haven't sent a single letter.
It hasn't been all bad. We did have a fun evening with our good friends Karl and Brad shooting photos and video for our support materials. And we've had nice visits and lots of confirmation that we are on the path we should be. So, attack or no attack we are still really excited and are convinced that we're doing the right thing. After all, "the Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom. To him be glory for ever and ever. Amen." (2 Tim. 2:18)

1 comment:
Our God is an awesome God. I love how His plans and purposes for us are far greater than anything we can ever envision on our own!
May His glory be revealed in you and through you as you join forces with Create International and head to Australia.
-Kristen Molnar
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