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Today's focus will be on the children of My*nm*r. This one features a young man wearing a longee, which is a long skirt worn by men of this country. What everyone woman knows is that a skirt is cooler than pants, but here in Burm* the boys get to stay cool too. This is a tropical land near the equator, so every little trick to stay cool helps!

We had a photo of this young woman earlier in this series. She's the one who attempted to sell us a bird so we could receive a buddhist blessing by releasing it. Here she is featured with her bowl full of trapped birds. That's just something you don't see every day.

In the center of the country, we met a heartbreaking group of kids up in M*nd*l*y. We met the mom so at least they had one. I just can't imagine what it must be like to have to send your children out to beg so that you can get enough money to eat every day. Yet, millions of children beg for their daily bread all over the world.

Here is the girl's little brother. We never did find out what happened to his arm. My*nm*r has one of the worst health care systems in the whole world, so it's likely he never saw a doctor and this sling was gerry-rigged by his mother.

And here is one of the other brothers. We got these kids some snacks and hung out with them on the street for an hour or so while we waited for our taxis to arrive. They didn't understand any English at all, and we didn't know any B~rmese, so you can imagine how tricky it got. And, still, fun was had by all!

Most kids understand the Funny Faces game, and after making funny faces with them for a while, they were rolling in the road with laughter, literally. I think about these kids a lot. If you want to see a moving documentary, I highly recommend Born into Brothels. Different country, but similar situation.

Before long we had an audience and other kids from the neighborhood showed up to see our shenanigans. “Those crazy people!”

Later on we arrived in a small town in Sh*n St*te, and walked the streets to find a restaurant. Along the way, we met many Sh*n people like this mother and child by the side of the road. I wonder how many older children in this family have worn this well-worn hat before this child?

This little guy greeted us from the local DVD vendor's shop. Southeast Asia is notorious as a place where you pirated copies of Hollywood blockbusters are bought and sold. The people here are certainly not going to pay Best Buy prices for DVDS, they simply would not be able to afford them. Instead, unscrupulous vendors make copies and sell them for a dollar or two. I'm always a little embarrassed by what sells and what doesn't at street stands like this one. Let's just say that horror is a real hit here.

Here is one of my favorite photos! This mom has done her shopping for the week and now she and her child are going to bike back home to make dinner. What a cutie! Sadly, there is little or no enforcement of safety rules here, and in most cases such laws don't even exist. Consequently, it's very common to see babies being held by parents on motorbikes or a pile of kids hanging off the back of pick-up trucks.

This young man lives at the local Sh*n temple and is probably responsible for its upkeep. I can't help but think about him and the other children here who have never had a Christian as a neighbor or a friend. Situations like this remind me that the task of taking the gospel to the world is far from done. Someday, Lord willing, this young man will know God as we know Him and thank us in his prayers for our joint efforts to bring him the Good News. Join me in praying for the salvation of the Sh*n people and the timely completion of the Sh*n evangelistic film being worked on right now.
Thanks for being a part of our team that made this expedition possible. With your partnership we expect to contribute to many more projects like this one.
This is officially the last My*nm*r Memories photo-journey post. We hope you have enjoyed the journey. Let us know!
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