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I thought it would be fun to take a look at transportation in My*nm*r today. In the big cities like Y*ngon, one of the most common options for getting around is by bus. They really know how to decorate their buses here. This busy intersection is also a good look at the city, which by our American standards is fairly relaxed in most all ways except for the consistent speed of vehicles.

Of course, if you want to get around the country a bit faster, an airplane is always a great choice. There are only a handful of domestic airlines that operate inside the country and regrettably none of them have a great reputation. The only international flights allowed must come into Y*ngon and from there a number of smaller planes like this one run a shuttle service to other small airports around the country. What time you arrive at your destination will depend on whether you get the jet or the propeller engine plane that day.

Most of the vehicles around here look about 50 years old. With soaring inflation a constant problem here, nobody can afford to acquire a new vehicle. Consequently, you see a lot of fixer-uppers that are exceedingly well maintained to keep them on the road. These little blue cars may or may not be running at this time.

We spent more time in a taxi than any other vehicle, since the trip into Sh*n St*te was basically 6 hours one way. These are the two taxis we took at a gas station where the gas is brought out to you in cans. No pumps!

Here we are going through one of the many tollbooths that are used to restrict the movements of people in the country. The population is very much controlled here and nobody gets far without government officials or their network of spies knowing their whereabouts.

Even in the city you will see a lot of people on bicycles. Motorbikes, however, have been outlawed within city limits. Some government official decided he didn't like them and had them banned from city streets. What a contrast from Thailand where motorbikes and scooters are everywhere!

Once we got out into the country, we had to cover a lot of ground for shooting so we used these bicycles to get around. We think these bikes may be about 50 years old too and they were difficult to maneuver. Nevertheless, we were grateful for them because even a tricky bike beats walking! It does make you wonder if Jesus and the disciples would have enjoyed some bicycles had they been an option to footing it everywhere.

You just don't see a lot of horse buggies in the United States unless you're in Amish country or on a tourist ride. This buggy doesn't fall into either category. They really do use these here. Feeding a horse may still be cheaper than putting diesel in your auto.

And if a horse is not readily available, why not hook up your ox to the cart for a ride into town. Truth be told, I saw many more ox driven carts than horse buggies, making the old ox cart the working man's main means of transportation in the field or on the road.

But the most interesting form of transportation around town may be the number of people we saw driving their trusty old tractor through town. We'll end here with a series of fun tractor shots and see if it makes you want to trade in your American made car for one of these dual-purposes vehicles.

More to come: Kids and Monks!
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