10 Things We Won't Miss About Kerema PNG
Malaria, diarrhea and long waits at the local hospital.
Bucket showers (as seen on right), where you pour a bucket of cold water over yourself to wash up.
Gecko lizards in our sleeping bags.
Little ants in the kitchen.
Consistent, oppressive humidity, heat rashes and learning to sweat from new pores we didn't even know we had! Yes, it's possible to sweat in areas you've never sweat from before. Trust us.
Betelnut juice spittle on the ground (as featured below). Chewing betelnut is an addictive habit like smoking that involves chewing the betelnut seed with mustard and lyme. This results in red stained lips and teeth. Avid chewers also spit the red leftovers indiscriminately on the road. In Pidgeon we say "No can kai kai buai" or in English "don't chew betelnut!"
Trash littering the road and the smell of burning trash just before dinner. (Part of the excitement of the transformation of the town was seeing a lot of local people taking pride in their town and cleaning up all this trash! Our plea is to please keep Kerema beautiful!)
Long drop outhouses with bonus maggots and large bushy spiders.
Accidentally putting your hand in the TP bag next to the toilet. And the failed admonition of “when it's yellow, let it mellow—when it's brown, flush it down” but beware those who let their brown mellow!
And finding crabs in our pants. (The crab featured here was found on the beach and gratefully not in the pants!)
And it was worth it all. Would we knowingly go back to PNG? In a heartbeat! These minor inconveniences are all things we'd gladly suffer again for the awesome privilege of being among our friends and serving the Lord in PNG. Well, except for malaria--nobody should ever have to suffer that in our opinions.
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