Converted Koalas concur that you must be careful what you pray for. That's a good lesson that we are learning first hand. For many years we have been praying specifically that we would become a part of something bigger than ourselves to advance the Kingdom of God. Now look! We're heading to the mission field as quickly as possible. Our hearts are so eager to get started that we often can't contain the joy we are feeling.

As God leads he also provides. We have certainly received his calling on our lives to move into this frontier missions venture with Create International. Whereas we trust God fully for the financial support required for this work, we also know that traditionally and historically the required funds most often come from our nearby network of friends and our home church family. It's hard to believe sometimes that we have been at FCCH for over 20 years, our children at Covenant Christian Academy for over 10 years, and that we've been making films and plays with many of you for nearly 25 years.
Lately, we have been confronted with the truth that the hardest part of leaving is not being able to take you all with us. It is our deep desire that you would still want to be an intimate part of our lives. If you are receiving this newsletter than we invite you to become integral to the story of what God is doing in all of our lives to help people all over the world. Don't settle for being a passive audience member, come join the crew and play a supporting role.

Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else. - 2 Corinthians 9:13
For those of you already supporting many missionaries we salute you. It's people like you that put people like us where we belong. If you have never supported a missionary before, we urge you to try it. Experiment on us. Partnering with missionaries has brought us so much joy over the years, and it's a real thrill to know that our hard earned money is making a substantial, everlasting difference in the lives of others. We only want for you what we ourselves have so generously received. Please prayerfully consider being one of our partners in this important mission. Thanks again for the love and encouragement so many of you have shown to us in this time of our need. We are grateful for you all.

Five Ways to Help the Baldwins!
Many of you have asked how you can help us in practical ways:
Pray - We would be so grateful if you would pray for us regularly and often. We need prayer support like a fish needs water. It is the most important thing you can do for us. Our current prayer list is on our blog and you may contact us at baldwinboomerang@gmail.com with your prayer requests. We are regularly praying for our prayer partners, so please let us know your prayer requests so we can partner with you.
Contribute - Our most urgent need right now is one time gifts for our YWAM training this summer. Your gift now—no matter how small—adds up and contributes to our ability to get the initial training we need for this mission service. Send donations directly to:
Ripe for Harvest
2824 N. Power Road #113282
Mesa, AZ 85215-1674
Please do not put our name on the check, instead designate Account #247 in the memo line. We need to receive all gifts before June 30th,yet we need the pledges no later than June 4th so we can commit to the training. Please return the enclosed response card to us.
Partner - You can partner with us long-term with regular support contributions now. This essentially spreads a one-time gift out over the year in monthly or quarterly donations. Sharing the good news is basic Christianity 101, and your partnership enables us to make a difference for those in the far reaches of the world on your behalf.
Advocate – We would love to have more people pave the way for us to come present our ministry to others in large church gatherings, clubs, and even intimate home gatherings over desert. Talk us up to your pastor and introduce us to your church's mission board. Host a dessert night at your home or ours. Invite us to your small group or gathering. Spread the news!
Blog – Bookmark our blog and visit it weekly to get our latest news, prayer requests and upcoming activities. Please share our blog with anyone that could be interested. Plus, it's interactive and you can leave comments on the blog to encourage us, and we can do the same.
1 comment:
The problem with missionaries is that they haven’t found ways to incorporate their worldviews with African indigenous traditions and ways of life. I had this discussion with a friend of mine from the Zulu tribe in southern Africa and we both agreed that missionary worldview is often at odds with our indigenous traditions and culture. I’m a Maasai who went through missionary education. My question is what are the missionaries doing to help us bridge our identities with your worldview?
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