If you remember the old Stryper album "Soldiers Under Command" you might appreciate this prayer as a Declaration of War, but of course I mean spiritual war, not actual war with guns and violence and unnecessary bloodshed.
I can see that we have heard your call to go and to be a part of frontier missions work—and that everything is being thrown at us by the enemy to clutter our path with obstacles and cripple us on the journey. The enemy is pulling out all the stops now and we have been both wounded and distracted from our mission.
Yet we will not be defeated. Lord Jesus, release us to serve you. Tear down these distractions, debts and demonic influences. Help us to soldier on in your provision and strength not on our own reconnaissance. We are behind enemy lines and could use a good drop load of provisions to see us through this winter.
Ignite our hearts with your passion to see your Name proclaimed among all nations. Encourage us that we will not be distracted, defeated, pinned down or hindered from knowing you and making you known. Free us from our foxholes, where we have been bombarded by relentless enemy fire. Help us to take up our positions on the firing line and push back the enemy advances in your power.
“Your right hand, O LORD, was majestic in power. Your right hand, O LORD, shattered the enemy.” (Exodus 15:6)
Please raise up more advocates like Pam and Leigh who will help us present in churches and other places to tell our story of how we want to be a part of your story. Help those who have stepped out to help us. At this time, we have not yet received back a single response card, but you oh Lord know the hearts of all people.
Please keep that love lit in our hearts for you and your peoples. We recognize we have a long way to go to be like Paul who would lie down his life again and again to see one more stranger know the Lord. Yet you have placed this passion in our hearts to go and contribute to frontier missions. We rejoice in your wisdom. We lay down our gifts, talents, time and vocations before you at your feet. We are at your service.
If there be any wickedness rooted in us, destroy it. I know now that you are preparing us to battle on the front lines and this requires extra preparation. We must train until we are the best of the best, not because of any great thing in us, but because we serve a great commander. We must only trust and obey. We will learn to throw ourselves at your mercy and in the line of fire for your name sake. We are not yet prepared for that action, so you will need to nurture us some more.
Save us, Lord
Our Rock and our Refuge
Our sure Salvation
Our Hope of Heaven even on Earth
Our King of the Kingdom come day by day
now and forevermore
If you have read this far, you may now understand why Allyson writes the blogs and would prefer that I do not. Or you may have concluded I recently re-watched "Band of Brothers." Both statements are true. :) - Steve
1 comment:
Oh that we might all be so bold in our prayers and may desire to serve on the front lines of the battle field. You WILL get to Australia...one way or another! The world needs your tenacity and faith! I love you guys! Pam Heintz
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