Contrary to rumor, we have not been called to convert heathen kangaroos in Western Australia.
In fact, the story really starts in Africa. After shooting video there for World Vision, Steve received a call. Not over the tenuous land lines of Eastern Africa, but from the unfailing communication link of our heavenly Father. He was given a vision of how to use his skills in video production to support missions work around the world.
Once home, we began to prayerfully approach this new idea. It soon became clear that we wanted to do more than just support missions, we wanted to be a part of the work. After some research and good advice from godly friends, we were introduced to Create International, an organization based in Perth, Australia that has been producing cutting-edge, evangelistic videos and missions websites for over twenty years.
Create International (www.createinternational.com)is a growing, vibrant ministry of Youth With a Mission (YWAM), an international, inter-denominational, non-profit Christian missionary organization founded in 1960 to “know God and to make Him known.” Create International's headquarters in Perth is a strategic location for reaching many of the unevangelized peoples of the world, most of whom are just one plane ride away in the 10/40 window. Create International provides culturally relevant evangelistic materials tailored to the individual and specific community. It is a dream come true for us to be able join them in this dynamic frontier missions effort.
You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands. Isaiah 55:12
We are grateful to have you in our lives. We are committed to praying for you and we are eager to have you pray for us, particularly now as we prepare for this great adventure. Please prayerfully consider joining our team of supporters enabling us to accomplish this mission. With your permission, we will add you to our list to keep you up to date on how God can use all of us to make a difference.
This mission requires us to raise our entire support currently estimated at $7850/month. In addition, our immediate goal is to raise $28,000 for our candidate school in June, 2008. As God leads, God provides.
Please see the enclosed response card for more information about our goals and how you can specifically be involved now and in the future. We also plan to contact you soon to provide you with an opportunity to learn more. On behalf of churchless koalas everywhere, we thank you.
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